11 feb 2016

Taiwan cute things vol.I ㄇㄚˊ幾


Cuando llegué a Taiwán no me imaginaba la cantidad de ilustradores que existen en este País, muchos rincones están decorados con cosas monas, cosa que me encanta para qué mentir. Hoy quiero presentarles a mi personaje favorito, los que me conocen saben que soy fan de Rilakkuma, y creo que este personaje me gusta tanto como ese gandul osito. En este caso, un conejito blandito  llamado ㄇㄚˊ幾 maji o Machiko se ha ganado un lugar importante para mí, de hecho cada vez que voy de compras y veo algo de él o ella,siempre acabo comprando....

When I arrived to Taiwan, I would never imagine how many nice illustrators are in this country, you can even find many corners decorated by them, something that I truthly love. Today, I want introduce to you my favourite chracter, my close friends knows how much I love Rilakkuma, and I think I love this one as much as I love that lazy bear. In this case, a little soft bunny called ㄇㄚˊ幾 maji o Machiko have an important place to me, in fact everytime I go shopping and I find some items from him or her, I always end up buying something..
This even represent me....

También existen muchos productos de este personaje, incluso stickers de Line 
There's also many products of this character, even Line stickers 

Like stickers (yes, i have them all..)

even my phone is decorated by it! hihihi

Thank you for reading!!

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1 feb 2016

Where I have been all this time?

Hello, Hello!

Lately, I haven't sent any letter... My life had a lot of changes, I moved, changed of school and burocracy will make me crazy. Well, the important thing is that I'm back and I'm completly fine, haha. In the future, I will share with you some pictures of my flat, maybe you are courious about how does a flat looks like in Taiwan 

For today, I want to share my experience in a wonderful place I visited with my chinese school. I really enjoyed the clean air and the beautiful landscape. I also had the opportunity to take a walk among trees and nature. I visited two places that day, but today I want to share my experience in the Xitou Forest (溪頭自然教育園區-Xitou Nature Educational Area).

I recommend that if you visit this place, you must bring energy for a long walk around, and also some snacks (or just buy them in the convenience store that is placed just in the entrance). Those days in Taiwan, weather was getting really cold, as I heard we were hitten by a cold wage, so it have been extreamly cold, that was terrible for me because I only bring really summery clothes to Taiwan -.-''

Well, Xitou forest is not nice to enjoy the landscape, also have many games and activities, so i recommend to go there, as I do for almost every place I visited here. But this one, I will specially recommed for those people who come live here and want to clean their lumbs with fresh air..